First Name: Kasumi

Last Name: Tendo

Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Soun Tendo

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 19

Eyes: Gray-Green

Hair: Brown

Marital Status: Single

Loves: Dr. Tofu, perhaps?

Loved by: Dr. Tofu

Rivals: Don't be silly

First Anime Appearence
Ranma � Volume 1
(Episode 1)

Voice Actors:
Inoue Kikuko
Willow Johnson

First Manga Appearence
Vol. 1.1
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

After a strange conversation with Soun, I managed to find a peaceful place to rest in the courtyard. The Tendos have a beautiful carp pond, I must say. My thoughts were interupted momentarily by a young women a few years older than I.
Ki: Hello. My name's Ki. Sorry for intruding like this.

Kasumi: A guest? Oh my. It's no trouble at all. I wish someone had told me, though. Are you staying for dinner?

Ki: You must be Kasumi?

Kasumi: Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me. Yes, I am Kasumi Tendo.

Ki: What's it like living here, Kasumi?

Kasumi: I've lived here all of my life. It's been lovely.

Ki: That's not quite what I meant. How is living here with the Saotomes?

Kasumi: Oh! They're a bit energetic. It's cost us a bit of money on food, but they are always amusing to have around, I suppose.

Ki: So it seems. What about your father?

Kasumi: Father's wonderful! I don't know what I would do without him. A lot of this has been hard on him, I'm afraid Akane doesn't really understand what he's going through.

Ki: What do you mean, Miss Tendo?

Kasumi: (she looked down rather saddly) Poor, poor father. He hasn't been the same since our mother passed away. He never has quite recovered. Though the Saotomes being here seem to take his mind off of things like that.

Ki: Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Kasumi It's all right, Ki. Akane just doesn't realize the emotional state that her father is in. I wish she could see it and understand how important it is to him for her to marry Ranma. We all know that they're in love.

Ki: What about the other fiances?

Kasumi Hmm.. I haven't really thought about them. Ranma and Akane just seem to be to silly to admit how they feel. I don't really understand them.

Ki: No, I don't understand a lot about this. I've heard about Shampoo. What can you tell me about her?

Kasumi: Yes, a very good cook, but she seems to have a lot of violent tendancies. We had to fix a lot of walls because she wasn't using the doors. I wonder if they have doors in her town in China?

Ki: I don't know. I heard she was rather violent though, an Amazon.

Kasumi: (she nodded) Yes, that's her. She's very attractive though.

Ki: Oh? Then why doesn't she have her own suitors?

Kasumi: Well, I don't know all the details, but her laws say that she has to marry a male outsider if he defeats her in battle and Ranma did that in this very room. I think she does have another boy, though. He comes from her town. What was his name?

Ki: I don't know, I just got here. Laws, huh?

Kasumi: Mousse! That's his name! And I think he has to beat Ranma if he wants to be Shampoo's husband, but I'm not sure.

Ki: Shampoo and Mousse.. creative naming style. I know a Mousse, you know? He isn't Chinese, though.

Kasumi: Oh my. That is a very big coincidence, isn't it?

Ki: Yip. It is indeed. I'll tell you what, Miss Tendo, I'm going to go and look around some more and I'll come back if I get any new questions for you.

Kasumi: Okay, that sounds very lovely. Will you be joining us for dinner, Ki?

Ki: That's a tempting offer, Kasumi. I'll see what I can do, all right? Talk to you later.

If you have any questions you would like to ask Kasumi, who knows? Maybe you'll get your question asked!

Ki: Okay, Miss Tendo, I'm back. Here's your first question from an outsider, "When you were possessed, why wouldn't Soun let someone hit you over the head to release the demon? You mean so much to him, that he'd value your life over his own?"

Kasumi: Heavens no! I don't quite remember the details, exactly, but Father was just looking out for me. He didn't want any harm to come from me at all, and that strange man who seemed to know a lot about the Oni didn't seem to be sharing all the information at once. (she shrugs)

Ki: I can't imagine what it would be like for you to get hit over the head, Miss Tendo. I can pretty much see why Soun wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Here's a new one, Kasumi, "How do you feel about Ranma?"

Kasumi: I'm not sure I follow precisely, but Ranma seems to be a nice boy. Sometimes I wish he'd treat Akane better and not make such a mess with his father, but I'm sure he means well.

Ki: Kasumi.. here's one. "Do you love Dr. Tofu?"

Kasumi: Love Doctor Tofu? Hmm.. well... I suppose he's nice enough. He's quite silly, though. I really haven't put much thought into something like that. My family needs me right now.

Ki: I just got an interesting one, Kasumi. Here you go. "I assume you've graduated from high school, but have you ever considered further education?"

Kasumi: Hmm.. considered, yes, but my family needs me here. I can't leave father like this. Not with the Saotomes here and Akane unwed. If I left they would fall apart. Who would cook? I don't really think that I need to continue, anyway. Just look after my family, and someday look after my own children and husband.

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